Friday, January 27, 2006

Should I go for the gold?

Not a whole lot on the knitting front to write. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the first sleeve on G's sweater. It's sort of at the length of a 80s muscle shirt. You know...that over the shoulder, part way down the bicep look? Hot, I tell you. But only one arm. The other side is waiting patiently for me to get my rear in gear.

Needless to say, I'm not the fastest knitter in the world. I think when I get in a groove, I go fairly fast. But I don't get as much done each day as I would like. After a long day at work, I just want to hang out with G and Catie. Then at least a few nights a week, I try and get some exercise in. Nights I don't go to the gym are usually good knitting nights. I wish I was dedicated enough to get up early in the morning, but I am too much in love with sleep. And now I have to add in spinning time, blogging time, etc. Argh!

But on that fast knitting front, I'm considering joining the Knitting Olympics over at Chez Harlot. I would like to learn to do cables, and thought I might do the Irish Hiking Scarf. But I'm afriad I'd just be setting myself up for failure. I think this would be as good an opportunity as any, but I have serious doubts about my ability to get it finished in time. And I hate to lose. With a passion. I have a few more days to decided. Why is this such a difficult decision. If I don't finish, I don't finish. Right? Right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Irish Hiking Scarf is the perfect project for someone learning cables. It's also a great pattern for the Olympics, because in a repeat of 8 rows, only one involves cabling. Go for it, you won't be sorry!